Claire gave me a popover pan for Christmas. I love the texture, flavor and simpleness of a popover. They contain only four ingredients: eggs, milk, flour, and salt. They are crispy on the outside and hollow in the middle. The texture inside the shell is a little bit custardy. I eat mine with only butter. You can fill them with anything your imagination desires. Like a crepe, you could use fruit and whipped cream or jam. Or, you could eat them savory with a sausage and gravy. I think of popovers as comfort food so we have been having them fairly often.
We had another beautiful snowfall yesterday. It accumulated about six inches before it turned to freezing rain. I went out and shoveled and then walked down to the mailbox. It felt good to get outdoors and breathe the cold air. I thought there was almost no need to travel to Vermont to experience winter when we are having a good winter right here at home. But the ponds and lakes don't freeze here so for ice skating, Vermont it is!
We have had so much fun going to youngest granddaughter's basketball games. The all girls team is comprised of seven and eight year olds. They are mostly sweet and timid little things and it is interesting to watch them play. They see them hesitate for a brief moment before grabbing a ball or blocking a player, like they are not sure if it is really okay to be aggressive. I think they will learn a lot about the game of sport and how to work as a team.
While I was putzing around the house yesterday, my phone rang. It was our twelve year old grandson on the line. It was so fun to hear his happy voice, just calling to chitchat. He had just hung up from calling his cousin and then decided to call me. Although I knew he called out of boredom, it was still very sweet. I told him to call me any time.