Friday, September 27, 2024

The Commingling of Summer and Fall


It has rained so much and so steadily these past six days that I can only get as far as the screened porch to be outside for any amount of time. The rains couldn't come soon enough after the drought this summer. We lost a couple of established shrubs, a few perennials, and a tree from the drought. For this reason, I am happy to sit on the porch, listen to the rain, and watch everything turn green again.

In spite of the humid, tropical rain, the calendar says it is autumn. It's confounding because we have the air conditioner running again in order to keep the humidity down. The cool, fall weather we experienced two weeks ago is only a memory. I have learned that in the south, the delineation of summer and fall are not crisp and clear like the change up north. Summer and fall commingle for a long time here. 

My wall planter still looks happy and healthy. I don't have the heart to toss it on the compost pile in order to replace it with a fall plant. I decided to let it be and use some other pots for fall plantings. Some pots will sing, "Summer!" while others sing, "Fall!". My friend mixes artificial fall mums with other live grasses in her outdoor planters for fall. She has trouble with deer pulling up her mums and she said this solution works well. I have seen her arrangements on her front porch and they always look very nice. Driving by, one would never guess that they were artificial flowers. I was shopping with her recently at Hobby Lobby and she convinced me to give the artificial mums a try. They were forty percent off and they were nice looking. When I got home I decided to use them to replace the geraniums that had become leggy out on the screened porch. This porch is right off the kitchen and I see it every day, walking past the door. I must say, I like the splash of color the artificial flowers add there for fall! It makes me happy that the blooms will not fade before Halloween and I can even leave them out until Thanksgiving if I want. I will add some pumpkins to the display and the grandchildren can carve them  next month.

There is much yard work to be done before we can say the gardens are put away for winter. This is the season we should be out there getting it all done. For now, it will have to wait for the rain to pass which, according to the forecast, is still days away. I feel better about the delay by making a list of all the work that needs to be done. This helps me feel a little more in control of it all...even though it's really Mother Nature steering this ship. But one thing is for sure; she does not have control over my screened porch mums!

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