Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Fun Little Cookie Press Find


I drove Steve to an antique shop in Bedford, VA to look at some cassette tape decks our daughter spotted there a couple of weeks ago. It is funny that tape decks are something we buy in antique shops nowadays. "Back in the day" we shopped at stores dedicated to selling only stereo components. They were high tech stores in their time and people would carefully select components to build a stereo system suited to their needs. We still use all of our stereo components including a turntable for albums. Most of the units have needed to be replaced, one by one, over the years. Steve tried to replace the tape deck a couple of times with ones he found on ebay, etc. They all turned out to be duds. He was happy to have a chance to look at these two in person and test them before he purchased. He went prepared with a little bag of cords and testing gadgets.

Anyway, I browsed while he checked out the tape decks. I spotted the beautiful graphics on the box above in a kitchen display. I have seen these cookie presses before but never this deluxe version. All the attachments were there including the original manual and recipe booklet! It was priced at only $8.00 so I bought it.

I bake cookies a lot. I have some tried and true favorites like chocolate chip, oatmeal, molasses, New York Black and Whites, and pizzelles. Outside of those, it is fun to try new recipes. We noticed that the recipe booklet in this set spells cookie with a 'y', 'cooky'. These little butter cookie gems are popular in Italian bakery cookie trays. I cannot wait to test it! If they turn out well I will take them to my rug hooking group next Tuesday. : )

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