Monday, January 21, 2013

January Project, Where All the Food Looks Good, Simple Fare

1. Today I applied the final coat of paint to the upstairs bath. We've freshened it up with a new, lighter color and replaced the flooring.
1.a. When I wash out the paint rollers they smell like Creepy Crawler Goop. Creepy Crawlers was a toy I had back in the 60's. It utilized a cooking plate and metal molds that got very hot and burned my fingers if I wasn't careful. I don't see a warning on the box top in the photo- too funny! I must have played with it a lot because I was given Creeple People and Motorized Monsters, too.
2. I had a chance to shop at Fresh Market this morning. I bought some fruit salad and croissants and dropped them by daughter 3#'s school where she's gone for the day without food. Her eyes lit up when she saw what I brought. Daughter #4 favors the mini fruit tarts, so there's one for her in the bag.
3. I also bought some organic mushrooms that I put into an onion and mushroom omelet for our dinner. Made with B.'s home raised eggs, it was very good!


  1. What a beautiful day! (And I don't remember that toy.)

  2. Lynn,

    I means you never suffered the 2nd degree burns from being scalded by molten rubbery goop.
