Friday, February 28, 2025

Getting Ready for Spring

 Back home in Virginia, March has arrived on schedule with hints of  warmer temperatures and blowing winds. To me, it seems the entire winter has been windy even including a few power outages. 

I walked around the yard and took stock of what needed pruning, what needed feeding, painting, etc. It began to feel overwhelming. I acknowledged that I would rather continue to focus on the indoor projects and not have to be doing yard work yet. I went back inside and told myself it was too windy to work outside today. 

 Our order from the arrived in the mail today! Tess said she wanted to dye more Pysanky eggs this year so I ordered the dyes. (We already have the kistkas,and beeswax needed to create the decorated eggs.) This will be a good transitional project to take us from winter to spring. It is also another diversion away from the yard work for a little while longer.

I decided to schedule parameters of what I need to accomplish before I can turn to the yard work. I need to bind the quilted tree skirt I sewed, paint the living room bookshelves, and help Steve get started on the upstairs bathroom refresh. I am mentally prepared to start checking things off. Ready or not, spring and all of it busyness is barreling toward us, carried by this wind, no doubt.

Some of our pysanky eggs from years past.

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