This has been the windiest winter that I can recall. Usually the winds come in February and usher in spring. These winds started in December and have only given us a few days of respite, it seems. The wind reminds me of a busy brain, going and going and never quiet. It riles me for some reason. The wind at night is worse because the gusts race down the mountain and slam the back of the house right where our bedroom is located. I must have been hearing the wind in my sleep last night because I had busy dreams. I woke up at one point, scrubbing one hand with the other. I was dreaming that I was washing a chicken leg and woke up scrubbing my hand. I thought it was funny but now I am exhausted this morning.
I got out of bed early, at five o'clock, and made the coffee before the power had a chance to go out. I won that race and decided to shower quickly as well. I stored up water in jugs, kept a flashlight handy, and had candles at the ready since it is still pitch black at five o'clock. Steve was away last night and there is little chance of me getting the generator going on my own. So far, the power remains on. I feel a slight conquest at beating it with my coffee and shower. Now I am typing and 'saving' before the power whisks away my blog post.
It must be windy all the way up the east coast because Chelsea sent me a video yesterday of she and her five year old out on a frozen lake in New Hampshire. The wind looked like it was blowing at gale force as it sent enormous waves of snow racing across the ice.
Life would be calmer and more convenient if I didn't dislike the wind so much. After all, there are a lot of windy days in the year to contend with. It is forecast to remain windy today and tomorrow. It looks like I will be racing the wind for a while longer.