Monday, December 5, 2016

At the Tree Farm

L: " Umm, I don't know, Steve. I think it's really too big."
S: "Trust me. It will work. It's a great tree."
L: "How tall is it? Look at it next to me. It's huge."
S: "We'll just use the top part."
L: "It will be shaped all wrong. No no no. Maybe I should walk home and get the tape measure. You want me to walk home and get the tape measure?"
S: "C'mon. Let's just get it. "(He raises the saw)
L: "No! Just let me check the front field one more time to see if there's a better one up there. OK? Let's go look. If anyone takes this tree in the meantime, it's fine."

There was a "normal" tree in the other field. Thank goodness.


  1. Reminded of the tree shopping in the film, Christmas Vacation, which we watched last week. Chevy Chasa aka Clark Griswold also had a very large tree in mind with hilarious results. Unlike you and Steve he kept his first choice.

  2. You might have had to cut a hole in the ceiling otherwise, huh? :)
