Friday, May 8, 2015

The Days and the Years Will Go Streaking By

     The days are so busy that if life were a moving picture I would slow it down and view it one frame at a time, frame by frame, minute by minute. I knew it was out of hand when I found myself making a list for my list. "Sub-lists? Seriously! How did life ever get to be this hectic and how did it ever get to be May?! Amidst the frenzy of the end of another school year and the end of Tess' public school career, those moments when there is nothing happening have become stand-out moments.
     Steve was brewing beer this evening and I don't like the smell (he thinks it's heavenly) so I went outside and found some mowing to do. He wants to have a batch ready to share when the family is all here and perhaps some to take to New York. So, while he boiled and stirred, I bonded with the yard and field. When I came in, he fixed me a ginger beer and I read my book out on the porch. I realized it was the first time I sat and read by lamplight on the porch since last summer and it was very pleasant. This is the frame speed I needed.
     Tomorrow there's a load of garden soil to shovel off the truck, tomatoes to plant, some cooking and baking to be done, more car repairs for Steve, and a room renovation under way. This particular 'to-do' list is in my head, but I may have to write it down in order to corral my mind from wandering away from it. I see a sub-list surfacing and this is never a good thing. As a matter of fact, I've already remembered there's something else I need to go and...

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean and I'm a single household. Seems as if there is always something to do. I'm looking forward to going up to the mountain house by myself for Memorial Day weekend so I can read and sleep. :) Although I am always more than ready to come home by that Monday - sometimes too much alone time is not good either.
