1. We came home late from our busy day and sat down to a dinner that simply needed to be reheated. Cooking it during spare time early this morning was worth the payback at 6:30 this evening : )
2. It's been so dark and drizzly the last four days, we didn't even notice the sun was shining. Driving down the road, I racked my brain trying to pinpoint when the sun had finally come out. I asked Tess, "When did the sun come out?" Neither of us could say.
3. On a nice little walk with Henri I reconnect with all the beautiful things along the road side. Bittersweet has lost its shell and is ready for harvest, tiny white asters, colored leaves, and muddy deer trails that break through the underbrush. It's been so long since I took the time to walk outside and I've genuinely missed these friends.
Isn't having dinner already ready wonderful???