1. I'm counting the last few precious days before school begins. Three of them are empty of any commitments and I consider them highly valuable.
2. B. came over for lunch. It's always uplifting to spend time together, even though we have more questions than answers in our conversations. It was a perfectly golden, late summer afternoon so we had our coffee and dessert on the porch.
3. Steve brought home dirt for me. : ) Then he helped me dig old dirt and shovel new dirt. When it was all done, I stood with the hose and daydreamed while I directed the spray. Watering has an hypnotic effect like that.
3a. The little dry stacked wall we built a few years ago is holding up nicely. I'm pleased with the aesthetics of it. Even though we knew nothing about building stone walls, it turned out nicely.
I like to water, too. And I know those kids will be glad to see your smiling face.