Thursday, May 16, 2013

Composed, Sweet and Salty, From Scribbles to Charcoal

1. Jherek Bischoff's "Composed" is is something entirely new and wonderful. My CD arrived today and just in time for an evening of driving. I love the different melodies interwoven in this song.

2. I ended the day with potato chips crushed and stirred into a bowl of chocolate ice cream. I needed that.

"Xena" in charcoal.

3. Daughter #4's high school held its annual "Knight of the Arts" tonight. This is an evening for  students who participate in music, drama, or art to have their moment in the spotlight. I am amazed by what this age group is capable of creating. 


  1. WOW! Tess' picture is amazing!

  2. Daughter #4 did an awesome job.

    I want to hear that video, but it keeps pausing. I always loved David Byrne in the Talking Heads, so I know it's good.

    1. Lynn, try going directly to Youtube and type in "Jherek Bischoff Eyes"

  3. I've never heard of chips in ice cream! I'll have to try it. Amazing picture, congrats to her!
