Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday's Walk

1. Down the hill and across the road from my brother-in-law's backyard is Long Island Sound. Amid the tall grasses of a tidal river is a myriad of wildlife. Walking down sandy paths, we came to the sound itself. A fishing class for children lined the banks. They were pulling in Robin Fish and then throwing them back. These banks are pebbly and my pockets became filled with pretty stones and shells.

2. We saw Blue Herons, White Egrets, an Osprey's nest, tiny Hermit Crabs and the prehistoric shell of a giant Horseshoe Crab. 
3. The cousins made play everywhere we went. They are a happy bunch.


  1. I first read your posts without seeing pictures and loved your descriptions. Seeing the photographs now is wonderful..they match perfectly!

  2. Have had a wonderful time here this morning catching up with all that I have missed since I went away on Holidays. Have loved all your thoughts and goings on and your photographs as well. You do look fab in a swimsuit. I wish I looked even half as good as you do! Oh well, I am working on it! Hope you have a great week! xxoo
