Friday, May 11, 2012

New York and Back

1. About two hours north of here, the Blue Ridge Mountains loom up in the distance of Interstate 81. The mountains are heavily wooded and always appear a mossy blue/purple/green. Pretty clearings of farmland dot the slopes beneath. When we've reached this point in our drive, I know we've come home.
2. The best gift we can give our elderly family and friends is our company.
3. There was nowhere to fit mom's shrub other than on the front seat. The seat belt alarm sounded the entire three mile drive back to her house. I should have buckled it in.
4. Discussion for two days: Exactly how is it that our steak and peppers doesn't taste as good as Grandma's?
5. Daughter #2 is a good influence on my shopping habits. I suffer the curse of indecision and she forces me to make decisions on the spot and stay focused. "Rose bushes are off the trail, Mom."
6. Daughters #3 and 4 conducted themselves as adults while I was away. (Husband and SIL #2, not so much.)
7. Mom gave me my dad's D'jango Reinhardt record collection.
8. It's a sure thing that if my sister is at the table, there will be laughter.
9. If/when my mom sells 'our' house, I'm taking the back screen door.
10. Daughter #2 sends me this note. I believe it pertains to all moms and hospitable women in general.

“A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” ~Tenneva Jordan

This is so you, Mom! ♥


  1. It sounds as if you had a lovely trip. And what a nice tribute to you by your daughter - I can imagine that you are just like that.

  2. Glad you are back safely, Lee, and had a good visit, I hope.
