Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Changes in everyday habits like the "new and improved" blogger layout can really mess with my brain. Hence the posting hiccup. But I will overcome...

1. Monday was Steve's birthday and he wanted to celebrate with his regular pool night. Daughter #2 and her husband came over so Son-in-law could join in the game. Daughters 2, 3 and 4 sat with me in the family room and we girls had a nice visit while the guys played their game.

1.a. He shared his candy.
2. For a moment I felt like I was in two places at two times at once. The barn smell prompted a memory trigger from the 1960's of the petting zoo at Storytown in Lake George, NY. I am intrigued by scent triggers because they do more than simply recall a memory. They vividly put me right back to the place and time. We went to Storytown every summer when we were kids and it was always fun.
3. The checkbook balanced to the penny. I am good!


  1. The new blogger interface is a pain, but you get used to it - I switched several months ago. I don't like the spacing issues. You can hit preview and adjust as necessary. Without doing that, sometimes what you see is not what you get.

  2. Leonora- I'm missing the old layout. I think the "reader" pages was easier to use. But at least, now, there's an "update button," and a "revert to draft" button.

    There's still several more upgrades I'd love to see. Yet I can't stand it when there's changes--more learning curves!
