Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another one I can check off my list, Stock up, Love

1. I tried a new Oatmeal Cookie recipe that finally got it right! A nice thick cookie with the right chewy texture I've been searching for. I toasted the walnuts, as recommended, and used raisins. These are perfect and my quest has ended.
2. The market had grocery carts full of clearance items set up. Some of it was quite useful, like canned pumpkin with two years of shelf life still left, priced at 39¢.
3. The heart of the home (the kitchen) is back to work pouring out good smells. I think it's nice to return home after being out all day at work or school in this cold and blustery weather and be greeted with such welcoming goodness. Although I'm rarely on the receiving end of this scenario nowadays, it's how I remember it from childhood. My mom and dad used to laugh when I would clap my hands at being presented dinner. I didn't think about clapping, it just bubbled up that way : )