Wednesday, August 17, 2011

They found their treats, Thankful for these old stand-bys, Ice cream makes it better

1. Finches, wearing the bright yellow of the sunflower, carry on the color after the flower has faded. They and the Mourning Doves enjoy the seed heads I've left on the ground.
2. Now is the time for the marigolds to shine. As everything else begins to look tired, the marigolds puff up and dazzle the eyes with their brilliant oranges and yellows. They hem the raggedy vegetable garden, determined to be beautiful, no matter the carnage behind them.
3. The teens have an ice cream social to mark the beginning of school. It's a perfect evening for badminton and volleyball and ice cream with all the toppings. A bunch of us moms migrate to the porch and we enjoy the evening alongside the kids.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely marigolds - I love them, too. You capture the sights and sounds of summer so perfectly.
