Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A feast for the eyes, Another feast for the eyes!, A feast for the ears

1. The weather came in fits and swells, one minute lightning and thunder and the next, sunshine. It was also a day of dramatic clouds, dark and looming, then back lit with sunlight. It made for a beautiful landscape.
2. I glanced out the kitchen window and stopped dead in my tracks for the abundance of blooms. I saw sweet cherry, crab apple, ornamental plum, daffodils, forsythia and flowering almond- all out of one window!
3. Tess and I went to the Singing School concert where the choir put on a great performance. They sang one of my favorite songs, In Christ Alone.

1 comment:

  1. Leonora- It's fitting and swelling here now, too! You know what they say: April showers bring...
    I'm hoping we see the late bloomers up north very soon. I'm so ready for a big burst of color! :)
