Tuesday, May 21, 2024

All Things Golden


 1. A golden day hand stitching on Kay's screen porch with friends. A gentle breeze cooled the back of my neck while I completed my stitches. We enjoy such varied conversations and a sharing of ideas. I always look forward to these gatherings.

2. A mourning dove is nesting in the butterfly magnolia tree right outside our bedroom window.  She lets me peer out at her through the window. She is so well hidden that I can only see her profile, her golden brown feathers, and her perfectly round, black eye.

3. Daughter #4 and her husband are getting ready to move into their first home. It is an adorable 1930's bungalow located only a few miles away from us, in town. She sends me a photo of the brightly painted, green front door. She says her inspiration came from the colors at Goldenrod Kisses in York, Maine. That is a worthy, embraceable memory of a place we briefly called 'home'.

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