Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Blizzard and a Baby

Henri could only wish for a walk in the field today. The snow was too deep and came over his head.
The poor little dog couldn't even get out the back door to do his morning business. The snow sifted off the roof and made a nice pyramid. He had to use the front door, which wasn't much easier.
Steve went around and shoveled us out from the other side. Until the snow melts, Henri's walk will be limited to a narrow path around the yard. The ramp Steve built for my mom is twenty-two inches off the ground at the door. It appears we got about fourteen inches of snowfall with twice that depth in drifts.
Neighbor W. came with his tractor to clear the driveway. His assistance saved Steve many more hours with the snowblower. Grandson Jack would have enjoyed watching the tractor clear snow!
On Friday night, as the snow fell and the winds blew, our second daughter had her first baby. Ironically, no blizzard raged near the Canadian border and the night that welcomed little Hugo in those northern parts was clear and bright. His name means, "bright in mind and spirit". Oh, how we cannot wait to meet him!


  1. A new life on our Earth. How wonderful! Welcome to the world baby Hugo.

  2. Oh, how wonderful it is when babies are born!! Glad the baby was not born in a blizzard!
    You have a lot of snow, glad I didn't have to shovel any here!

  3. Congrats on the arrival of your new grandson, Hugo. And you did receive a lot of snow just like so many others we know. Glad you were all safe and Henri would probably get buried in those drifts.

  4. Congratulations Lee! And what a lovely name - I love that meaning.

    My sister (who lives near Front Royal / Winchester, VA) got piles of snow like that. She sent photos of her poor corgi outside with his face sticking up out of the snow.

  5. Wow! That's a crazy amount of snow!! Love the photo of the pile in front of the door. I'm imagining what that moment was like :)
