Monday, March 23, 2015

How to Recover the Lost Art of Dying Well

     It was on a sad note that I read in my messages this morning about Kara Tippett's death. I've been following Kara's blog this past year, sometimes not able to read it through for all the sadness it made me feel. I have learned so much from her, as painful as it was. I've included two links here that say it much more eloquently than I am able.

How To Recover the Lost Art of Dying Well


In the meantime, I've been reading C.S. Lewis's The Weight of Glory. An absolutely outstanding book that reinforces my admiration for the author and what he has to say about Christianity. My admiration, by the way, has nothing to do with The Chronicles of Narnia. I didn't care for those nor the Screwtape Letters. While those books may be epic and clever, I am more a fan of his non fiction.

Between reading the links above and C.S. Lewis, my head is swimming with thoughts and ponderings. It was difficult to concentrate at work this morning without going into daydream mode. When I got home, I went outside and began cleaning up the perennial beds. Now there is a good place to ponder and pray. : ) I am so thankful to have that time outside today.


  1. so sorry to hear of this loss. thank you for sharing the links.

  2. She certainly died with grace, didn't she? I can totally understand that - not being afraid to die, but not wanting to leave either. My best friend died of breast cancer when she was just 29 years old - that had a huge impact on me. (I learned how to be the kind of friend she needed in health, sickness and in dying.) She said the same thing - she loved her life so much, she didn't want to leave it. Sad.

  3. I am awed, Leonora, at the grace and the faith and the witness of Kara's life. Thank you for sharing this. It is powerful.
