Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Two Miles, Poster Board, Dining in Front of "The Paradise"

1. I decided that forty-three degrees was bearable weather for a good walk, so off we (Henri and I) went. There were Chickadees and Blue Jays skittering from branch to branch alongside our route, chattering at us as we championed our way up the road.
1a. When I got to the abandoned farmhouse where the cows live, I thought of Chelsea's comment, "There they are, right where we left them."
2. Tess and I had a date for a trip to Michael's. I was looking forward to that all day. We added a side trip to Target and that was like the icing on the cake.
3. We had quick and simple egg-a-muffins for dinner: They consist of a toasted English muffin, buttered, with a slice or two of deli ham, a fried egg, and American cheese melted on top. They are one of our absolute favorite meals.

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