Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tis the Season, Summer Is...Eating Ice Cream Outside, Winding Down

1. The eat-them-over-the-sink-because-the-juice-drips-down-your-chin kind of peaches. Local peaches are in at Saunders Brothers and W. has brought us our first bag.
2. A large group of our young folks showed up this evening to help weed and mulch the church property. Several adults also pitched in and the job was done in no time. The kids made play out of the work, laughing and joking as they shoveled and raked. Afterwards, we stood around in the cool evening air and ate bowls of ice cream. I chose vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries. Oh summertime!
3. A warm shower and then a good book to read before bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. A nice idea someone had - that ice cream following the work.

    I looked at Georgia peaches yesterday at Whole Foods and they were hard and didn't smell peachy, so I didn't buy them this time. I look forward to the kind of peach experience you are describing. :)
