Sunday, February 3, 2013

Reading, Little Girl, Baby Boy

1. It's been the perfect weekend for curling up with a good book. I haven't had a worthwhile novel to read in a long while. Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese has broken that trend. The story begins in 1950's Ethiopia, the setting, a mission-run hospital.Your imagination will be guided by the author from here!
2. A two-year-old girl, who does not know me, is left in my care. She eyes me suspiciously, ready to cry or even worse, scream. I make believe I am cooking goldfish crackers on the play stove. Very soon, curiosity has her sidle up to me to play along. I send up a silent, "Thank you" of relief. She is happy and content to pretend together, feeding goldfish crackers to dolls and stuffed animals, and ourselves.
3. A friend's baby is Christened today. Her mother handmade his long, delicate gown which has been worn previously by her three older children. The gown's slip is embroidered with the names and dates of each of their Christenings. Little baby lies content in someone's arms as we finger the light-as-a-feather voile and read the beautiful embroidery, stitched so lovingly in pure white.


  1. All three are perfectly beautiful good things. The value of curling up with a good book that you don't want to put down - a delicious feeling.

    You remind me of taking care of little ones in the church nursery, when I finally sat on the floor with a pile of books and they started handing me books to read to them.

    And perfectly exquisite - that gown with his brothers and sister's names embroidered on it. A lovely moment.

  2. Finding a good book to really get into is a great feeling and one which I have not had in awhile, but every week, I check out a couple from the local library in high hopes...still hoping. It sounds like you had a good Weekend, Lee.
