Friday, November 16, 2012

The Color Spectrum 2, Meeting Up, Where Have You Been?

1. Oh boy, do I ever have some new favorite music! Today I listened to The Dear Hunter Yellow, Green, and Blue CD from The Color Spectrum. (I actually positioned my car behind slow vehicles so my drive would last longer.) A totally different sound than yesterday's Black, Red, Orange CD, this features acoustic and steel guitars and beautiful melodies demonstrating Casey Crescenzo is a gifted and versatile artist.

It's hard to chose a favorite song from this CD.

2. We ladies have made a habit of going out to lunch or breakfast to celebrate whichever of us has a birthday that particular month. We've been doing this for a couple of years now and it's always fun. Everyone has busy schedules, but we manage to find time to meet for an hour or so, share a meal, laugh, celebrate and then scatter to the four winds to finish out our day.What's even funnier are the loonnng email chains where eight or ten ladies try to figure out a day and time that will work for all of us to meet. We almost have that down to a science, I think...
3. I am feeling so much better that it's made me realize how unwell I have actually been for the past nine months. I'm almost afraid to acknowledge it for fear that it will slip away. But I am so thankful to feel well and energetic that it brings me tears of gladness.


  1. what a great feeling when you realize you're on the other side

  2. Leonora- I didn't know you hadn't been feeling well. Glad, though, that the tears were those of happiness. I've too few days that I cry those tears, but I know what a blessed feeling it is when the day is pain/fatigue/ache free! Wishing you a grand stretch of days like that.

    Great music! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)
