Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Farm Long Ago, A Racket, On My Own

1. Remnants of an old farmstead endure on the property next door. Ancient cherry and apple trees line the lane with a tangle of Yuccas, Sweet Peas and wild Roses growing beneath. I stop under a cherry tree and eat a few before I head home. I imagine it was a beautiful farm at one time and I would like to have seen it back in its prime.
2. The cicadas stop scratching their nails on the chalkboard at dusk. Finally, peace and quiet! The gentle sound of crickets is music by comparison and I enjoy this while I read by lamp light on the porch.
3. The pulse of our home is bustling one day and empty the very next. Everyone has left and even those who reside here will be gone for the weekend. Husband is also out for the day. I'm a bit disconcerted, but only for a moment. This is my chance to do some fruitful work out in the garden.


  1. I have been enjoying playing catch up here this morning Leonora. I have enjoyed all your inspiring words, and photos. Your daughter is so very talented! I am amazed. I hope to be a better blog reader this week! xxoo

  2. It must have been lovely having them there. But alone time is good, too.
