Friday, October 1, 2010

Colors of autumn, You've GOT to be kidding, 9:00 Bedtime

1. All sizes, shapes and colors of gourds and pumpkins are available at the garden store. Even though I love the colors of autumn, I choose all white pumpkins and gourds.
2.At the market, the bagger forgot to put my roast in the shopping cart and I didn't realize it was missing until I got home. I was in a time crunch, but I had to make the forty-two (I wish I were kidding) mile round trip to get it back. I popped "happy" music into my CD player and went for it. The kind manager at Kroger gave me my roast, the $16 cost of the roast, and a gift card for $10. That's the way to run a business and I will still drive the distance to shop there.
3. It's Friday evening, the weekend is wide open and the stress of the week begins to melt away.


  1. I love the white pumpkins, too!!!!

    So glad you got treated right at the grocery store after the mishap! They did a good job correcting it!

  2. Walmart didn't do that when they forgot to put our batteries in the bag. In fact, even though we called the minute we unpacked the bags, and went back the next day, they made me go down the aisles and find the exact same batteries. They wouldn't hold them at the courtesy desk for me.

    In my last house, my dining room was purple. True purple. It was a Victorian farmhouse. I decorated it with white pumpkins. Country Living magazine was interested in doing a spread. (But then I moved.)
