Monday, February 2, 2015

Mixed Seasons, A Beacon, Winter Moon

1. I stepped out the front door on this rainy Monday morning and was greeted with the smell of spring. That wonderful, inhale deeply smell of rain and dirt that comes on a warm breeze.
2. The power went out at 1:45pm and it was still out when I left the house at 3:00pm. With high hopes, I flipped the front porch lights on as I was leaving in case the power was restored by the time I got back. Sure enough, our front lights were a beacon as we drove around the bend toward our house. They signaled that it would be warm inside and we would be able to heat dinner!
3. The clouds scattered on high winds, leaving a few shreds scudding across the sky at sunset. A very large, full moon rose behind the sunset-colored clouds. It was clear and white and looked cold, like winter.


  1. My sister's late mother-in-law told me once that your home should be like welcoming arms when you walk into it - I've never forgotten that. And it sounds as if your home is all of that and more.

  2. My sister's late mother-in-law told me once that your home should be like welcoming arms when you walk into it - I've never forgotten that. And it sounds as if your home is all of that and more.
