Saturday, August 6, 2011

Going Back

1. The ten hour drive turned out to be a breeze thanks to a good murder-mystery on audio.
2. A train runs around the base of a perfectly rounded hill. It looks exactly like a miniature someone would build, except it's the real thing.
3. Grabbed an order of Gene's Fish Fries on my way in.
4. Steve and I celebrate 30 years of wedded bliss. Not exactly bliss, but what good is it to celebrate something perfect? That would be too easy.
5. Going home is heart-wrenching at times. The ghost of childhood lurks under the surface of years that have taken their toll and "progress" that has uglified everything. I prefer to remember it as it used to be, peering into the old, dark places to see it.
6. I do some work for my mom around the old home place. It's mostly maintenance, but it makes her happy.
7. My sister comes for breakfasts and dinners. Now we are three.
8. After a week, I am restless to get back to Virginia. I am thankful for this option and I go...or is it come?

1 comment:

  1. Is there such a thing as "marital bliss"? Happy Anniversary to both of you. And congratulations for surviving 30 years of married life--it takes real fortitude, I think. Long walks, too. ;)
